Often I come here when i am either in 'deepest pit' mood or when I am just exuberantly happy!!..It 's neither rite now ,but jus felt like updating my blog !
First things first, in final year now!! Alhamdulilah for everything!! :) Came in 2nd in colg this time! :) All my success,only due to Lord's bountiful blessing( in spite of the lazy person I am!) All my success, for my dearest Uppa! I kno u will never read this ,neither will I ever say such things directly,U r my biggest Inspiration n strength! n Momma....All ur prayers!Widout it v can never achieve anything!!
Now treating patients almost everyday, I realize the big responsibility that my profession puts on me!To not just 'set ' the problem rite,but in deed to be the patients trusted confidante!I will tell U, there is no feeling like,helping a person resolve his pain or strengthen his confidence by improving his looks!The smile of gratitude,from a patient, after a job well done,thats pretty much enough for 'making my day'!
Waiting to enter the Pedodontics Dept., for I love kids! Bt ,bt...hate being the one targeted there! That's fine anyways!God is there to help me out!
One thing, I so hate.....Often in college,many people look down upon me ,something like 'oh u cannot do this' or 'oh u r inefficient' kinda attitude! That hurts me to the core.... I wonder why people walk around wid such narrow minded attitude!Is it coz I wear an extra Hijab over my head?But What does my scarf have to do with my abilities?Is being modest no longer considered' right' ??
But time and again,Alhamdulilah,due to Almighty's grace ,I have tried/been able to prove them wrong!Bt still........
Jus a day ago, One of my cozins marriage almost got Fixed! Masha'allah!! Fingers crossed,tht everything will b settled soon, Insha'allah!! V grew up together,considering v have only 6 months difference between us! :) n now its as though ,v r all growing up and too fast! :)May Allah Bless U wid the Best ,dear! Love u lots! :) For all the times,v have talked ,lafed n cried together! :) u people are some of my bestest memories of childhood!
Last time I updated my blog, was very very very upset over a situation n now it looks like , just another' one of those problems'! :) Lol, Indeed Time is the best healing factor!
Allah, plz help me out n give me the strength to face this all! I have none other than U to turn to! :)
Till Next,
Fly high! :)