- Bad decisions make good stories, they say. But surviving through a bad decision requires immense faith and hope.
- Diversity has been created amongst mankind so that we know, appreciate the differences & in turn reflect upon the attributes of the Creator
- She is my blessing from Allah to believe with a little more conviction, that all my duas will be answered at its right time.
- Tangerine sunset with pink coloured hues on a clear blue sky. Glory be to Him, Al Mussawir
- Any pain that inspires you to say the Shahadah was never a "pain" in reality.
- Looking intently at your mother's face can be a humbling experience. With it, realizing that time is taking its toll is a sad thought.
- This too shall pass. Some day I can laugh about it all. Some day I can write a blog entry of "why" things keep happening.
- Take me away from everything that takes me away from You. Turn me to everything that turns me closer to You.
- When I stray away from You, I find myself in moments of despair.
- People change us. Situations change us. Circumstances change us. In the end, change is the only permanent aspect of life.
- It is hard to connect with people who are not on the same page as you.
- But then, pacifying myself, with the fact, my Rizq is already written down by Ar-Razzaq. When time is due, it shall all fall in place.
- In my garden. Calm, cool night. Perfect crescent overhead. Cat curling to warmth in a corner. Occasional laughter by children. Tranquil.
- The minute you start strongly believing, everything that has occurred &is still occurring is what is khair for you,then you feel no more pain!
- Father's are the protectors,maintainers & the bread winners. But a house is just empty without the mother.
- While going through the darkest days of life, always remember, you were/are the coolness of eyes of (atleast) two people. #Parents
- Everybody needs acknowledgement. A reminder that they are important and not forgotten.
- Those were once my biggest worry. Today, they are of no importance. Rather,brings a chuckle that I worried about something so insignificant
- Even the dua of Iblis, the most evil of all, was answered by Allah. Why do you think your's will not be ? He is Ar Rahman. He is Al Mujeeb
- Different situations. Different duas. Each blessing you to learn of His different attributes. #NamesOfAllah
- I see my mother in constant dhikr ... I think, I don't have to look any further in to where she derives her strength & patience from.
- I see you rush for Fajr at the masjid, every single day, winter or summer. You didn't teach me through words, you taught me with actions. #Dad
- Learnt my lesson - Trim the corners. Let go of people. Be in close contact only with people who help you grow emotionally and spiritually.
- Surah Maryam is like a personalised reminder for every single Muslimah. Allah, alone, will provide. He is Ar-Razzaq.
- Alhamdulilah ! We don't say it enough. How much ever we say it will never be enough. Infinite blessings. Alhamdulilah.
- The simple act of being grateful to The Creator and the creation only brings back to us more.
- The small words of 'Alhamdulilah' in any situation, whatsoever, only paves way for more blessing.
- Behaving in a grateful manner to the people who had done enough favours for us will only soften their hearts towards us.
- Some times, when you feel like there are no doors opening up for you, God always opens up ways that never existed before.
- At the end of the day, if no one else can understand the depths of your adversities, know fully well, God will. God always will.
- Romantic love is too over rated and commercialized in movies. Parent's love take precedence over any other.
- No one in the whole wide world will worry about/ for you as much as your parents.
- It doesn't hurt as much as it did then. it won't hurt in the future as much as it does now. Time heals after all.
- When nothing can comfort you, His words can. His words always will.
- If every tear I shed was to get my sins forgiven by You, then Alhamdulilah Ya Rabb
- If waiting long to receive something that I wish/pray for was to increase my remembrance of You, then Alhamdulilah Ya Rabb
- If every unpredictable situation I faced was to increase my reliance upon You, then Alhamdulilah Ya Rabb.
- Under His precise Control. The entire universe. Every single being. Every action of every human being. even the fluttering of leaves.
- There has to be an end for a newer beginning.
- Pain ebbs away anger, makes one considerate and forgiving. Most of all, in constant remembrance of The Creator throughout.
- To be sad about a situation that is beyond one's control, shows our lack of reliance upon Him.
- If He bestows me with something that I do not want or withholds from me something that I dearly want, then it is because He is Al Hakeem - The Most Wise.
- Mother - the only person in the world for whom you are a 'perfect child', irrespective of tantrums, shortcomings, flaws & weakness.
- If we completely knew the scarring effect of words on a person's heart, we would have used them very less !
- There is a reason for every person in your life..and sometimes, a season too.
- A year which saw the fall of 3 tyrants. A year which saw water lash through the coasts of Japan. A year which saw the ground shake in Turkey.
- A year which saw the most wanted man being killed (apparently). A year which saw the outbreak of famine in the Horn of Africa.
- A year which saw the people's power through the streets of Tunisia & Egypt, Yemen & Bahrain, Libya & Syria and many more...
- A year which saw the rise of people against capitalism. #OccupyWallStreet
- A year which saw the loss of a pioneer in the world of technology #SteveJobs
- A year which proved the power of social networking sites. #Revolutions
- A year which saw the campaign against corruption in India
- 2011 might as well become a remarkable year which ours kids will study about in their History texts like how we read about 1919, 1945, 1947 etc.
- Dear Heart, please be strong. Dear Soul, please be patient.
- There is wisdom behind all of Lord's Decree. Most of the times, it is beyond human comprehension. Be patient. For time will let us know.
- Humility is that trait which disappears the minute we think we have it.
- Not having your Duas answered might be a blessing to learn about the aspect of Sabr.
- It is only when we have being deprived of a blessing after having received it , do we realize it's true value.
- Having a little brother is a guarantee that even when your whole world looks drab, there will be someone to brighten up your day with jokes.
- If we divide things in our life to 'that takes us closer to Allah' & 'that takes us far away from Allah', it becomes easier to prioritize.
- It takes courage to give our heart to another person because in doing so, we are also giving them power to break it into a million pieces.
- If we aren't truly alone at some point of life, we would never realize the sacred value of companionship.
- Everyone will have within them, an untold story, a painful regret and an unforgettable memory.
- Life teaches us better through pain, adversities and failure, and yet, what we want always is goodness, happiness and success.
- ..and an answer came, not in the way I desired, but in the way He destined. He is Al Hakeem. Al Aleem.
- Bye March. I am glad you are done with. You taught me lessons of life for life.
- There is a very fine line between self confidence and arrogance, Also between humility and self depreciation.
- A wrong decision results in either of the three :
1) Regrets (on losing an opportunity)
2) Experience ( on how not to make the same mistake again)
3) Acceptance (on finally connecting the dots backwards and realizing why, somewhere in the
- Pray..for the peace and comfort that comes from being with The One you love.
- What you have now was once a dream. What you dream now will once become reality. Say Alhamdulilah.
- Friends - those whom we are not obligated to care because we share the same blood or have taken vows together, yet we still choose to care.
- Therefore friendships become the most selfless acts of love. No obligations. No rules.
- .. yet friendships are the last relationships we actually take care of.
- Do not let a friendship fade due to a bruised ego , unending responsibility, busy schedule etc.
- Do not let your insecurities define you.
- The minute we realize we do not need another soul to heal us, but Allah alone, is when we achieve true strength.
- Why do we always have to wait for the end, a farewell or even death to say words of goodness to someone?
- Changes often start with a journey.
- Inappropriate words at the most inappropriate of times will slice faster than the sharpest knife.
- One of the aspects of making Dua is to have total Yaqeen, Allah will answer all Duas. He is Al Mujeeb.
- Hayya' Alla Salaah. Hayya' Al Falaah. Brief Words, yet conveys the entire message to become among st the successful in both the Worlds.
- It was loneliness during my hostel days that pushed me back to God with far greater clarity.
- A fiery spirited women's emotional strength far outweighs any man's physical strength.
- Don't treat anyone less of a person. That individual is a creation of the Creator who says 'Be and it is'.
Laylathul Qadr
- As the angels come in groups of seventy thousand each, with whispers of 'Peace' to the believers standing in remembrance of their Lord...
- Peace shall fill this transient earthly abode until the break of dawn...
- On a night better than a thousand months...
- On a night, 1400 years ago, The Book, to lead mankind from darkness to light was revealed...
- On a night, the Mercy to Mankind (PBUH), was granted the honor of the seal of prophet hood...
- On a night, when people who submit , ask forgiveness from The One they submit to.
- O departing friend, you bring with yourself tranquility and blessings immeasurable.
- You make the hardest heart to soften. You bring together the rich and poor, the old and young in prayer, every night
- You remind us over and over again , His Mercy encompasses all even if our sins are as big as the foams of all sea put together.
- You teach us to turn back to Him in repentance and ask Him for protection from the blazing fire.
- ..and I worry with the answers to these questions, 'Did I utilize your blessing enough? Will I meet you again?
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