I find happiness in ...
- Lying on my warm bed on a cold winter night.
- Mom bringing a hot cup of ginger-tea while I am down with illness.
- Niece snuggling in my hand and going off to sleep.
- Brother coming home for the weekend & then the house is all "noisy"
- Good morning post from friend in Australia when it's only 2 AM here.
- Reading the same book over and over again.
- A friend randomly messaging & making a dua.
- Friend - "Before I go for Umrah, give me your dua list"
- A cold night's silence being broken by the laughter of children playing outside.
- Dad quietly going to masjid for Fajr so as not wake up the baby in the house.
- Reaching back the same weight that I was while in school. Jeans/salwars becoming loose ;)
- Brother bringing gifts from Jaipur -a earring & small hand held mirror.
- Snuggling warm in my bed & watching Friends or Gilmore Girls, episode after episode.
- Learning Tafsir of a Chapter from a Sheikh far away in Texas.
- Listening to stories from the Seerah from a scholar in Zimbawe.
- Retorting to/getting replied to every tweet with a quick witted answer.
- Whatsapp ;)
- Taking an early morning ride through Doha Corniche.
- Reading a "Thoughts Catalog" article which perfectly describes my situation
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