
Does evil eye really hit?

Dec 1, 2010
We often hear of people saying "evil eye", " nazar "...I wanted to know its religious answers!!

I find....

Allah says in the Holy Qur'an, (113: 1-5)

Say: I seek refuge with the Lord of the dawn,

from the evil of everything He has created. 

And from the evil of the darkness of night when it overspreads. 

and from the evil of the blowers (men or women) into knots. 

And from the evil of an envious one when he envies.

Things to do when you feel you are being hit by "hasad",

Hasad means that a person should feel unhappy at the better fortune, superiority or good quality that Allah has granted to another, and should wish that it should be taken away from the other person and given to him, or at least the other one should be deprived of it. However, hasad does not mean that a person should wish that he too should be blessed with the bounty that the other one has been blessed with. 

Here, Allah's refuge has been sought from the evil of the jealous one when he feels jealous, and takes a practical step with word or deed to satisfy his heart. For until he takes a practical step, his being unhappy may by itself be bad but it is not an evil for the other person so that he may seek refuge from it. 

When such an evil appears from a jealous person the best thing would be to seek Allah's refuge from it. Besides this, there are a few other things also which are helpful for obtaining immunity from the evil of the jealous person

First, that one should have trust in Allah and the faith that unless Allah so wills no one can harm him in any way.
Second, that one should have patience over what the jealous person says and does and should not start behaving impatiently so as to be degraded morally to the level of the jealous person.
Third, that one should in any case maintain dignity and practice piety even if the jealous person behaves frivolously, being fearless of God and shameless of the people.
Fourth, that one should free one's mind of every thought about the jealous person and should disregard him altogether, for making him a subject of one's thought is a prelude to being influenced by him.
Fifth, that one should do the jealous person a good turn as and when one can, not to speak of treating him evilly, no matter whether this good behavior mitigates his jealousy or not.
Sixth, that one should understand rightly and remain steadfast to the doctrine of Tauhid for the heart which enshrines Tauhid, cannot be affected by anyone else's fear except the fear of Allah. 

( Taken from Tafhimul Quran by Sayyid 'Ala Maududi-english translation)

I came across a dua said by the Holy Prophet in regard to the same,

Ibn Abbas related a Hadiths, "The Holy Prophet (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) used to recite this invocation over Hadrat Husain & Hasan,
  " I give you in the refuge of Allah's Blameless words,from every devil and troublesome thing ,and from every evil look" (Bukhari,Musnad Ahmad,Ibn Majah)

May The Almighty protect us all!