
  • My Abode of Peace

    Where we love is home - home that our feet may leave, but never our hearts. (Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr)

  • Solace

    When nothing can comfort you, His words can. His words always will.

  • Some days, the view looks scary. Trust Him. He is the Best of Planners.

  • Showers of blessing.

    Clouds come floating in to my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add colour to my sunset sky. (Tagore)

  • Hop and Jump

    For in every adult there dwells the child that was, and in every child there lies the adult that will be.(John Connolly)

A witness to each other's LIFE..... !

Mar 16, 2011
I am presently posted in Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery....ok my least favourite ! But ,Alhamdulilah, many instances & situations I have learnt from....

A bright Wednesday morning, HOD 's off day....& So we breathe a lil easy....It was just me & another co-intern present today.Rest two were on leave....


Mar 13, 2011
A sailor was stuck in an island where he was the only survivor.
He made a hut for his shelter. He was waiting for someone to help, but no one came. He stored food in the hut for his survival, but one day, the hut burnt to ashes and nothng was left of it.
He was so angry,he said,"God, why have you done this to me??"

The next morning rescuers came. Sailor asked,"How did you know that I am here?"
They replied..
"V saw a smoke signal!"

Trust ALLAH..
His plans are always greater than ours...! :-)

(A forward msg I received recently & wish to share! =) )

22 as it was....

Mar 7, 2011
24 hours before I turn 23,I want to look back at the wonderful year it has been,Alhamdulilah !