
...& One day, Insha'allah!

May 8, 2011

Haven't you noticed,many a times,we think when we get that perfect score on a test,get the latest gadget,be back with our family, or meet our better half,that the sorrow will fade away, that we will become happy again?

But also haven't u seen, even when we 'procure' these worldly joys,a sorrows lingers somewhere,a melancholy strikes deep,quite often,unexplainable?

Check out the video & see if it explains atleast a little of the answers to the above questions.


  1. Jawed Iqbal said...:

    SubhanAllah! This explains my state as well. Just graduated with flying colors and was really looking forward to the whole celebration of achievement, but when I finally received the diploma, a feeling of emptiness crawled into me. Couldn't understand it then, but now I realize that our ultimate goal is not worldly milestones, but the Aakhira, which is the REAL deal. Thank you for the reminder.

  1. Yeah ,exactly, when we take our aim as Akhirah, we often get a clearer picture of which path to choose.

    May Almighty Allah help us to be on the "Sirat Mustaqeem" always. Insha'allah

    Thank you for dropping by.

    Jazak Allah Khair