When we get a promotion at our job/get engaged/ pass a difficult exam with flying colours, the first thing that most of us do is turn to cyber-world to update on Facebook or tweet about it. Well, here is a small advice from Sheikh Omar Suleiman (Day 23 of his Ramadan Resolution series) regarding our constant urge to update publicly about our private lives, usually for validation through "likes" and "retweets".
You know that feeling when something amazing happens to you and you cant wait to share it with the world? Learn to wait. Here’s why:
1. When any good news came to the Prophet (salAllahu alayhi wa salam) or if a calamity had been averted, he would immediately fall in prostration (sajdatul shukr) and thank Allah for it. This is a beautiful sunnah that should be practiced all the time and not just for major occasions like graduations, new homes, etc.
2. Take a few moments to really deeply say al hamdulila from the depths of your heart. That will be a form of maintaining that blessing as Allah will see your sincere gratitude.
3. Some of the scholars say that one of the reasons Allah
did not allow Zakariyya (alayhis salam) to speak for 3 days except for words of praise was to bestow a greater appreciation of the blessing upon him. Al Baghawi (ra) said that is because sometimes when you speak about your blessings to others immediately, you lose yourself in your excitement.
So from now on when something good happens to you, hold off on the phone call, text, email, or status. Say takbeer, go into prostration, say subhana rabbi al a’ala the way you do in your prostration in prayer, AND add a personal note of dua and thanks to Allah from the depths of your heart before you rise.
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