

Nov 19, 2010
Out of all the 19 subjects I have,the one I feared the most and struggled the best was ANATOMY-First year subject!

Now am back to struggling with it....for Cedees.

Thats when I thought....

There are 206 bones,more than 650 muscles,31 bilaterally paired spinal nerves,45 miles of nerves,5 million hair on our body of which 100 000 are on our head....

Nerve impulse travel at the speed of 400 km/hr,heart beats around 100000 times per day,our blood is on a 60000 mile journey,25 million new cells are being produced every second....

One square inch of human skin contains 625 sweat glands...

There are 137 million light sensitive cells in the eye's retina and fluid that fills the eye is changed 15 times a day....

Just quoting a very few facts about the human body....

All this in one human being...

There are about 6.8 billion people on earth,alive that is....

so multiplying the above numbers by 6.8 billion..

Mind boggling,ain't it?

& All under the control of The Creator!The Highest Power!The Lord of the worlds!


Such is His power! Subhana'allah!

All Praise is duly & surely to Him, Alone!!

n we are so powerless that we cannot memorize even the names of the different bones and nerves,completely !!

With such proof in front of him,how can anyone deny the existence of God!?!

Subhana'allah! Subhana'allah ! Subhana'allah!

Till Next,
Fly High! :)