Every time I come back home from college,on holidays,the subtle differences I see.....
Mom gobbling up more & more tablets...
Dad finding it hard to lift the luggage....
& I realize....
& It breaks my HEART!!!
Rabbirham'huma Kama Rabbayani' Sa'eera!!
... a place where one feels at home, a place where you are your most authentic self.
My Abode of Peace
Where we love is home - home that our feet may leave, but never our hearts. (Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr)
When nothing can comfort you, His words can. His words always will.
Some days, the view looks scary. Trust Him. He is the Best of Planners.
Showers of blessing.
Clouds come floating in to my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add colour to my sunset sky. (Tagore)
Hop and Jump
For in every adult there dwells the child that was, and in every child there lies the adult that will be.(John Connolly)
How many of our blessings do we count?
Posted by
Dentistry in Doha
1:16 AM
Dec 3, 2010
"Maashallah..not every one gets a chance to fulfill der dreams..ur among de chosen ones.."
Just a few days ago one of my school friends remarked while I was chatting with her online.....
It struck me then........
yes,indeed,I am blessed!!Here I am on the threshold of graduating from a dental school with another ten months (Insha'allah ) Maybe it is a blessing to have an amazing family support to further my education,when there are many 'dads' who donot allow their girls to be sent away from their homes or cities!Or yet again parents who want their kids to be degree-holders,but are financially weak to support them.I have both (Alhamdulilah) and still I have never considered it as a blessing!How ignorant could I be!?!
There are innumerable times I crib about being alone while I am sick,having to travel alone or having to face people who have nothing to say but against my religion or state or just about anything!
But maybe,
in being alone,while I am sick have given me the ability to take care of myself in any situation.......
in being alone,while I travel have given me the ability to enjoy solitude and tackle any situation with the best of my logic....
in being alone,while I face two-faced,three-faced etc beings have given me the ability to figure out,at times,silence is the Best!!
& Most of all,in being alone,I have realised the importance of appreciating companionship!!
How often we are so abuntantly blessed & yet we complain!?!
At times,we need a sentence or two like that,to knock some sense in to our perveted minds to see the larger picture and a different perspective!
Just a few days ago one of my school friends remarked while I was chatting with her online.....
It struck me then........
yes,indeed,I am blessed!!Here I am on the threshold of graduating from a dental school with another ten months (Insha'allah ) Maybe it is a blessing to have an amazing family support to further my education,when there are many 'dads' who donot allow their girls to be sent away from their homes or cities!Or yet again parents who want their kids to be degree-holders,but are financially weak to support them.I have both (Alhamdulilah) and still I have never considered it as a blessing!How ignorant could I be!?!
There are innumerable times I crib about being alone while I am sick,having to travel alone or having to face people who have nothing to say but against my religion or state or just about anything!
But maybe,
in being alone,while I am sick have given me the ability to take care of myself in any situation.......
in being alone,while I travel have given me the ability to enjoy solitude and tackle any situation with the best of my logic....
in being alone,while I face two-faced,three-faced etc beings have given me the ability to figure out,at times,silence is the Best!!
& Most of all,in being alone,I have realised the importance of appreciating companionship!!
How often we are so abuntantly blessed & yet we complain!?!
At times,we need a sentence or two like that,to knock some sense in to our perveted minds to see the larger picture and a different perspective!
Does evil eye really hit?
Posted by
Dentistry in Doha
12:41 PM
Dec 1, 2010
We often hear of people saying "evil eye", " nazar "...I wanted to know its religious answers!!
I find....
Allah says in the Holy Qur'an, (113: 1-5)
Say: I seek refuge with the Lord of the dawn,
from the evil of everything He has created.
And from the evil of the darkness of night when it overspreads.
and from the evil of the blowers (men or women) into knots.
And from the evil of an envious one when he envies.
Things to do when you feel you are being hit by "hasad",
Hasad means that a person should feel unhappy at the better fortune, superiority or good quality that Allah has granted to another, and should wish that it should be taken away from the other person and given to him, or at least the other one should be deprived of it. However, hasad does not mean that a person should wish that he too should be blessed with the bounty that the other one has been blessed with.
Here, Allah's refuge has been sought from the evil of the jealous one when he feels jealous, and takes a practical step with word or deed to satisfy his heart. For until he takes a practical step, his being unhappy may by itself be bad but it is not an evil for the other person so that he may seek refuge from it.
When such an evil appears from a jealous person the best thing would be to seek Allah's refuge from it. Besides this, there are a few other things also which are helpful for obtaining immunity from the evil of the jealous person
First, that one should have trust in Allah and the faith that unless Allah so wills no one can harm him in any way.
Second, that one should have patience over what the jealous person says and does and should not start behaving impatiently so as to be degraded morally to the level of the jealous person.
Third, that one should in any case maintain dignity and practice piety even if the jealous person behaves frivolously, being fearless of God and shameless of the people.
Fourth, that one should free one's mind of every thought about the jealous person and should disregard him altogether, for making him a subject of one's thought is a prelude to being influenced by him.
Fifth, that one should do the jealous person a good turn as and when one can, not to speak of treating him evilly, no matter whether this good behavior mitigates his jealousy or not.
Sixth, that one should understand rightly and remain steadfast to the doctrine of Tauhid for the heart which enshrines Tauhid, cannot be affected by anyone else's fear except the fear of Allah.
( Taken from Tafhimul Quran by Sayyid 'Ala Maududi-english translation)
I came across a dua said by the Holy Prophet in regard to the same,
Ibn Abbas related a Hadiths, "The Holy Prophet (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) used to recite this invocation over Hadrat Husain & Hasan,
" I give you in the refuge of Allah's Blameless words,from every devil and troublesome thing ,and from every evil look" (Bukhari,Musnad Ahmad,Ibn Majah)
May The Almighty protect us all!
I find....
Allah says in the Holy Qur'an, (113: 1-5)
Say: I seek refuge with the Lord of the dawn,
from the evil of everything He has created.
And from the evil of the darkness of night when it overspreads.
and from the evil of the blowers (men or women) into knots.
And from the evil of an envious one when he envies.
Things to do when you feel you are being hit by "hasad",
Hasad means that a person should feel unhappy at the better fortune, superiority or good quality that Allah has granted to another, and should wish that it should be taken away from the other person and given to him, or at least the other one should be deprived of it. However, hasad does not mean that a person should wish that he too should be blessed with the bounty that the other one has been blessed with.
Here, Allah's refuge has been sought from the evil of the jealous one when he feels jealous, and takes a practical step with word or deed to satisfy his heart. For until he takes a practical step, his being unhappy may by itself be bad but it is not an evil for the other person so that he may seek refuge from it.
When such an evil appears from a jealous person the best thing would be to seek Allah's refuge from it. Besides this, there are a few other things also which are helpful for obtaining immunity from the evil of the jealous person
First, that one should have trust in Allah and the faith that unless Allah so wills no one can harm him in any way.
Second, that one should have patience over what the jealous person says and does and should not start behaving impatiently so as to be degraded morally to the level of the jealous person.
Third, that one should in any case maintain dignity and practice piety even if the jealous person behaves frivolously, being fearless of God and shameless of the people.
Fourth, that one should free one's mind of every thought about the jealous person and should disregard him altogether, for making him a subject of one's thought is a prelude to being influenced by him.
Fifth, that one should do the jealous person a good turn as and when one can, not to speak of treating him evilly, no matter whether this good behavior mitigates his jealousy or not.
Sixth, that one should understand rightly and remain steadfast to the doctrine of Tauhid for the heart which enshrines Tauhid, cannot be affected by anyone else's fear except the fear of Allah.
( Taken from Tafhimul Quran by Sayyid 'Ala Maududi-english translation)
I came across a dua said by the Holy Prophet in regard to the same,
Ibn Abbas related a Hadiths, "The Holy Prophet (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) used to recite this invocation over Hadrat Husain & Hasan,
" I give you in the refuge of Allah's Blameless words,from every devil and troublesome thing ,and from every evil look" (Bukhari,Musnad Ahmad,Ibn Majah)
May The Almighty protect us all!
Lab pe aati he dua
Posted by
Dentistry in Doha
9:20 AM
Nov 30, 2010
Melodious voice...Beautiful song
Till Next,
Fly High! :)
Till Next,
Fly High! :)
A detour or a straight road? :)
Posted by
Dentistry in Doha
9:30 PM
Nov 24, 2010
In the cross-roads of life,that is the position I am in now!
After struggling 4 years with books,day & night,I realize,I need to go on
longer if I really wanna be in some 'position' & also maybe struggle again a year more with entrance books to struggle 3 more years!(Three times ,the word struggle ! :D)
I am going through what every Intern goes through-Uncertainity!
Is the whole lot of information I MUGGED UP gonna be a waste?
Am I gonna do my post graduation,If so in which branch of dentistry?
In which part of the world am I gonna settle down?India or the middle east or still farther?
Depending on the country depends my future study plans,so again,a whole lot of question marks!
How is my clinical practice going to be?
Entrance exams with the big E!
& many more sawaal
One thing,life has taught me...
Whatever is decided by God is what is gonna happen
& eventually always it is the BEST!!
Just Trust in Lord-dad always tells us-& I realize its power!
Till Next,
Fly High! :)
After struggling 4 years with books,day & night,I realize,I need to go on
longer if I really wanna be in some 'position' & also maybe struggle again a year more with entrance books to struggle 3 more years!(Three times ,the word struggle ! :D)
I am going through what every Intern goes through-Uncertainity!
Is the whole lot of information I MUGGED UP gonna be a waste?
Am I gonna do my post graduation,If so in which branch of dentistry?
In which part of the world am I gonna settle down?India or the middle east or still farther?
Depending on the country depends my future study plans,so again,a whole lot of question marks!
How is my clinical practice going to be?
Entrance exams with the big E!
& many more sawaal
One thing,life has taught me...
Whatever is decided by God is what is gonna happen
& eventually always it is the BEST!!
Just Trust in Lord-dad always tells us-& I realize its power!
Till Next,
Fly High! :)
Posted by
Dentistry in Doha
9:10 PM
Nov 19, 2010
Out of all the 19 subjects I have,the one I feared the most and struggled the best was ANATOMY-First year subject!
Now am back to struggling with it....for Cedees.
Thats when I thought....
There are 206 bones,more than 650 muscles,31 bilaterally paired spinal nerves,45 miles of nerves,5 million hair on our body of which 100 000 are on our head....
Nerve impulse travel at the speed of 400 km/hr,heart beats around 100000 times per day,our blood is on a 60000 mile journey,25 million new cells are being produced every second....
One square inch of human skin contains 625 sweat glands...
There are 137 million light sensitive cells in the eye's retina and fluid that fills the eye is changed 15 times a day....
Just quoting a very few facts about the human body....
All this in one human being...
There are about 6.8 billion people on earth,alive that is....
so multiplying the above numbers by 6.8 billion..
Mind boggling,ain't it?
& All under the control of The Creator!The Highest Power!The Lord of the worlds!
Such is His power! Subhana'allah!
All Praise is duly & surely to Him, Alone!!
n we are so powerless that we cannot memorize even the names of the different bones and nerves,completely !!
With such proof in front of him,how can anyone deny the existence of God!?!
Subhana'allah! Subhana'allah ! Subhana'allah!
Till Next,
Fly High! :)
Now am back to struggling with it....for Cedees.
Thats when I thought....
There are 206 bones,more than 650 muscles,31 bilaterally paired spinal nerves,45 miles of nerves,5 million hair on our body of which 100 000 are on our head....
Nerve impulse travel at the speed of 400 km/hr,heart beats around 100000 times per day,our blood is on a 60000 mile journey,25 million new cells are being produced every second....
One square inch of human skin contains 625 sweat glands...
There are 137 million light sensitive cells in the eye's retina and fluid that fills the eye is changed 15 times a day....
Just quoting a very few facts about the human body....
All this in one human being...
There are about 6.8 billion people on earth,alive that is....
so multiplying the above numbers by 6.8 billion..
Mind boggling,ain't it?
& All under the control of The Creator!The Highest Power!The Lord of the worlds!
Such is His power! Subhana'allah!
All Praise is duly & surely to Him, Alone!!
n we are so powerless that we cannot memorize even the names of the different bones and nerves,completely !!
With such proof in front of him,how can anyone deny the existence of God!?!
Subhana'allah! Subhana'allah ! Subhana'allah!
Till Next,
Fly High! :)
Eid Mubarak! :)
Posted by
Dentistry in Doha
9:13 PM
Nov 17, 2010
Eid Mubarak !! :)
Am away from home,yet again in Blore for this Eid-normal course ,I would have been a wee lil :( !!
But, for a change! :) :)
New dress-without which Eid isn't just eid! :)
Good time at my friend's place! :)
The early morning travel through Blore town! :)
The 'mallus' I met & someone telling, " I have met you somewhere" and likewise feeling ! :)
Description of my new dress to Sis n Mom! :)
Talking to GrandPa and hearing his lovely laughter! :)
The innumerable calls & messages! :)
& Yes, Learning to live each moment! :)
The only person who can make you happy is URSELF! :) - A friends advice recently!
Alhamdulilah! :)
All Praise be to the Almighty,for all His Bountiful blessings! :)
& Once again,
Am away from home,yet again in Blore for this Eid-normal course ,I would have been a wee lil :( !!
But, for a change! :) :)
New dress-without which Eid isn't just eid! :)
Good time at my friend's place! :)
The early morning travel through Blore town! :)
The 'mallus' I met & someone telling, " I have met you somewhere" and likewise feeling ! :)
Description of my new dress to Sis n Mom! :)
Talking to GrandPa and hearing his lovely laughter! :)
The innumerable calls & messages! :)
& Yes, Learning to live each moment! :)
The only person who can make you happy is URSELF! :) - A friends advice recently!
Alhamdulilah! :)
All Praise be to the Almighty,for all His Bountiful blessings! :)
& Once again,
Till Next,
Fly High! :)
Cycle of Life !!
Posted by
Dentistry in Doha
9:45 PM
Nov 16, 2010
My previous post reminded me of an incident :
Last year,during the final internal practical exams of Prosthodontics,I had a 70 year old patient-a complete denture patient......
Complete denture in simple words means the artifical set that old people wear.Fabrication of complete denture was our final year exercise for Prosthodontics,which was a truly messy and strenuous experience!!
Coming back to the exam, we have to complete one step of complete denture fabrication in a stipulated period of time on the basis of which we would be graded!
Recording the case history of the patients is a must before we start every case and so there I was,with butterflies in my stomach,all geared up and asking the patient for his occupation,address and family history and he narrates his tale........
" I have 4 sons.The first one is an engineer,studied in the same college,second one has done his MBA,third one finished his B.com and is into business and the youngest one is done with his graduation..
They are all in separate places well settled and quite happy with their lives.Very glad that they have done well in life......
Our house was always filled wid noise,fights and much racket.U can imagine with 4 boys.It's an eerie silence now.I wish I cud rewind to those days.Then I had complained about the noise,now I complain about the silence.....
What can I do? I cannot tell them to sit at home and be with me.It would be quite selfish of me.They too need to find their way out & look after their families!!
I never knew loneliness was a major part of post-retirement life!...... "
Rest of the exam was a blur for me....
A silent prayer for him....
& all those left alone!
Till Next,
Fly High ! :)
Last year,during the final internal practical exams of Prosthodontics,I had a 70 year old patient-a complete denture patient......
Complete denture in simple words means the artifical set that old people wear.Fabrication of complete denture was our final year exercise for Prosthodontics,which was a truly messy and strenuous experience!!
Coming back to the exam, we have to complete one step of complete denture fabrication in a stipulated period of time on the basis of which we would be graded!
Recording the case history of the patients is a must before we start every case and so there I was,with butterflies in my stomach,all geared up and asking the patient for his occupation,address and family history and he narrates his tale........
" I have 4 sons.The first one is an engineer,studied in the same college,second one has done his MBA,third one finished his B.com and is into business and the youngest one is done with his graduation..
They are all in separate places well settled and quite happy with their lives.Very glad that they have done well in life......
Our house was always filled wid noise,fights and much racket.U can imagine with 4 boys.It's an eerie silence now.I wish I cud rewind to those days.Then I had complained about the noise,now I complain about the silence.....
What can I do? I cannot tell them to sit at home and be with me.It would be quite selfish of me.They too need to find their way out & look after their families!!
I never knew loneliness was a major part of post-retirement life!...... "
Rest of the exam was a blur for me....
A silent prayer for him....
& all those left alone!
Till Next,
Fly High ! :)
She was always their topmost priority !
Posted by
Dentistry in Doha
9:37 PM
Nov 15, 2010
Her birth was the happiest day of their life
Her first step was their proudest moment
Her first word was like their own achievement
Leaving her alone at her kindergarten class for the first time;
left them in tears!
Her entry into school was yet another chapter in their life
The innumerable prizes won at school...
The welcome songs and dance...
The injured knee,the broken leg,the disturbed mind
They were there always!
Leaving home for college,they prayed heartfelt,
that no harm touches their lil one..
That college doesn't change their angel's ways..
Her graduation day,taking the Hippocrates oath
their eyes glistening with happiness,excitement and pride!
Early morning,wearing the white coat and running to the hospital,
yes,indeed their daughter has achieved her dreams &
they praised the Almighty!
On her wedding day,they prayed her better half will
love her more than they did!
The grandchildren lighted up their ailing minds
and brought noise in their house again!
She was always their topmost priority!
She was always their topmost priority!
Till Next,
Fly High ! :)
Her first step was their proudest moment
Her first word was like their own achievement
Leaving her alone at her kindergarten class for the first time;
left them in tears!
Her entry into school was yet another chapter in their life
The innumerable prizes won at school...
The welcome songs and dance...
The injured knee,the broken leg,the disturbed mind
They were there always!
Leaving home for college,they prayed heartfelt,
that no harm touches their lil one..
That college doesn't change their angel's ways..
Her graduation day,taking the Hippocrates oath
their eyes glistening with happiness,excitement and pride!
Early morning,wearing the white coat and running to the hospital,
yes,indeed their daughter has achieved her dreams &
they praised the Almighty!
On her wedding day,they prayed her better half will
love her more than they did!
The grandchildren lighted up their ailing minds
and brought noise in their house again!
She was always their topmost priority!
She forgot to say a 'thank you' for the mobile phone & laptop
and the innumerable luxuries they provided her with
She inadvertently missed to mention them on her graduation speech
She settled down in another city so that she could live life on her own
She got busy with husband's office functions & kid's school play
She was helping patients ,day in and day out,but couldn't
read her dad's painful eyes
She didn't realize they were growing old,frail and lonely
She was always their topmost priority!
Till Next,
Fly High ! :)
The World I want.....
Posted by
Dentistry in Doha
10:02 PM
Nov 14, 2010
The World I want is where kindness,compassion & peace are not just words,but action!
The World I want is where poverty,rape & murder are not action but just words in an old dusty dictionary!
The World I want is where oppression & concentration camps are a thing of the past!
The World I want is where freedom & summer camps can be afforded and enjoyed by every child alike!
Thw World I want is where terrorists don't kill 'innocent'
& where 'innocent' aren't labelled terrorists!
The World I want is where colour of skin doesn't matter but colour of heart does!
The World I want is where man distributes his money like honey bee share its honey!
The World I want is where green leaves increase but green eyed monsters decrease!
The World I want is where no stomach goes hungry,no family goes homeless and no child grows up without feeling loved!
The World I want is where every butterfly,peacock,and tiger get its rightful place under the sun!
The World I want is where U and I firmly know, that He is up there,taking care of us,no matter what!
Till Next,
Fly High! :)
The World I want is where poverty,rape & murder are not action but just words in an old dusty dictionary!
The World I want is where oppression & concentration camps are a thing of the past!
The World I want is where freedom & summer camps can be afforded and enjoyed by every child alike!
Thw World I want is where terrorists don't kill 'innocent'
& where 'innocent' aren't labelled terrorists!
The World I want is where colour of skin doesn't matter but colour of heart does!
The World I want is where man distributes his money like honey bee share its honey!
The World I want is where green leaves increase but green eyed monsters decrease!
The World I want is where no stomach goes hungry,no family goes homeless and no child grows up without feeling loved!
The World I want is where every butterfly,peacock,and tiger get its rightful place under the sun!
The World I want is where U and I firmly know, that He is up there,taking care of us,no matter what!
Till Next,
Fly High! :)
Posted by
Dentistry in Doha
8:29 AM
Oct 26, 2010
....the previous one was my first post from mastory!!! :)
.....I prefer to call it Home!
Posted by
Dentistry in Doha
7:46 AM
It has been 4 years,2 months that I have been staying in Bangalore!Some beautiful memories that I hope my mind is never erased of it,some so painful that my heart wrenches at the mere thought of it!!
Most of the memories are connected wid staying at 312,the place I have stayed for 3 years ,5 months and the very same place I will be vacating widin a few weeks!
Heart tinges !
The innumerable PG(paying guest) mates I had-Anu chechi,Rajitha chechi,Lachu chechi,Shahina di,Shahnaz di,Salma di,Jilmy chechi,Monu,Eti,Sujatha mam,Noble chechi,Risha di,Nazia di,Archana,Samina,Anupama di.....Read it as Dip.,BBA,MBA Students, Docs,Nurses,Dentist,Engineers,Teachers!! The assortment!The complete package!The different things I have learnt from all of them...May it be North Indian Recipies,words n phrases of various languages,about the customs & festivals of their places.The innumerable gossip sessions,serious discussions about life n religion, decision making time,shopping sprees,b'day celebrations & treats and much girl talk!!Wish I had clicked a pic of each of these occasions then!
I used to hear Assamese or Bengali or Marathi etc being spoken at such fast pace wondering if full stop wasn't in their vocabulary,then realising that when I speak Malayalam,they too would be finding it so very complicated!
The many room mates I had and how they used to see me struggling wid my books and how a cup of coffee was made for me to last through the night .No questions,no answers!
Face pack time,henna,feet in hot bubble :D,100 of moisturizer try out,sharing beauty tips-innumerable craziness u try out only when u r in a company of girls!!
If someone went out for shopping n how every stuff would be checked out,dissected,appreciated by everyone when she s back!! :)
Layout roaming for vegetables,utensils,masala powder,n at times fish,mutton n chicken-things which till then v had seen only our mothers do!!
First time trying of gulab jamun,rasgulla,cutlet,samoosa,sewai,karanjee and shared by everyone with a cup of coffee!Talking about cooking,its the first place where I tried it ever!!Now atleast I now how to put salt,chilli powder,turmeric powder while making a curry!Maybe my future hubby will not starve after all ! :D
The terrace-our place to star gaze,bird watch or maybe even spend a still moment while depression hits!
I loved it for the residential area it was in,the masjid next to our place -hearing the Azan was always a solace for me!The aunty I used to see always when I used to sit on the stairs while in Pre-maghrib Dhikr!
I have forever been surrounded by noise and people-be it at home(considering I have 3 siblings) or till now at hostel-home,now I am gonna shift to a single room PG.I have no clue if I can handle the silence!
And Life goes on......
Till Next,
Fly high! :)
Most of the memories are connected wid staying at 312,the place I have stayed for 3 years ,5 months and the very same place I will be vacating widin a few weeks!
Heart tinges !
The innumerable PG(paying guest) mates I had-Anu chechi,Rajitha chechi,Lachu chechi,Shahina di,Shahnaz di,Salma di,Jilmy chechi,Monu,Eti,Sujatha mam,Noble chechi,Risha di,Nazia di,Archana,Samina,Anupama di.....Read it as Dip.,BBA,MBA Students, Docs,Nurses,Dentist,Engineers,Teachers!! The assortment!The complete package!The different things I have learnt from all of them...May it be North Indian Recipies,words n phrases of various languages,about the customs & festivals of their places.The innumerable gossip sessions,serious discussions about life n religion, decision making time,shopping sprees,b'day celebrations & treats and much girl talk!!Wish I had clicked a pic of each of these occasions then!
I used to hear Assamese or Bengali or Marathi etc being spoken at such fast pace wondering if full stop wasn't in their vocabulary,then realising that when I speak Malayalam,they too would be finding it so very complicated!
The many room mates I had and how they used to see me struggling wid my books and how a cup of coffee was made for me to last through the night .No questions,no answers!
Face pack time,henna,feet in hot bubble :D,100 of moisturizer try out,sharing beauty tips-innumerable craziness u try out only when u r in a company of girls!!
If someone went out for shopping n how every stuff would be checked out,dissected,appreciated by everyone when she s back!! :)
Layout roaming for vegetables,utensils,masala powder,n at times fish,mutton n chicken-things which till then v had seen only our mothers do!!
First time trying of gulab jamun,rasgulla,cutlet,samoosa,sewai,karanjee and shared by everyone with a cup of coffee!Talking about cooking,its the first place where I tried it ever!!Now atleast I now how to put salt,chilli powder,turmeric powder while making a curry!Maybe my future hubby will not starve after all ! :D
The terrace-our place to star gaze,bird watch or maybe even spend a still moment while depression hits!
I loved it for the residential area it was in,the masjid next to our place -hearing the Azan was always a solace for me!The aunty I used to see always when I used to sit on the stairs while in Pre-maghrib Dhikr!
I have forever been surrounded by noise and people-be it at home(considering I have 3 siblings) or till now at hostel-home,now I am gonna shift to a single room PG.I have no clue if I can handle the silence!
And Life goes on......
Till Next,
View from outside our home |
Maher Zain! :)
Posted by
Dentistry in Doha
9:39 PM
Aug 23, 2010
Two tunes running in my head ,over and over....
Just came across this singer,loving his voice! :)
Insha'allah By Maher Zain
For the rest of my life ! :)
Is it too much to hope for?
Till Next,
Fly High! :)
Just came across this singer,loving his voice! :)
Insha'allah By Maher Zain
For the rest of my life ! :)
Is it too much to hope for?
Till Next,
Fly High! :)
Veil of Modesty :)
Posted by
Dentistry in Doha
9:08 PM
(This post was written maybe a month back ,though I am publishing it now!)
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I serve! |
I was getting the huge stares from every1.. maybe the huge trolley bag I had wid me or maybe the outsider look or so....dono....
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I play! |
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I am in touch! |
But because they want to....
- fulfill their obligation to Allah Almighty!
- protect themselves from lewd comments,stares,& unwanted attention!
- uphold their dignity & respect n be modest!
No,wearing Hijab doesnot prevent a girl from achieving her status in society,rather it elevates her position.
No,wearing Hijab does not rob her of having fun with her friends,she can still have fun in a Halal way.
No,wearing Hijab does not make her ignorant of the technology around.
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I study! |
To make statistics speak :
According to one survey done by Shervani in U.P. the percentage of Muslim girls appearing for SSC examinations has increased. Not only that but the success rate of Muslim girls has jumped 19 times. That means Muslim girls are taking their studies much more seriously today than before 1990. This healthy trend seems to be persisting. Many Muslim girls are making it to the merit lists also.
According to 2001 census the female literacy of Muslims in Kerala was 85.5%
just quoting a few....
Today Hijab clad girls can be seen in all walks of life....in skools,in the corporate world,in hospitals,at restaurants,just about everywhere...
We are awakened! We will conquer!
Why should we be afraid when we have Allah Almighty with us?
THREE CHEERS to all my sisters!!
Till Next,
Fly High! :)
First post of this year!?!
Posted by
Dentistry in Doha
9:49 PM
Jul 3, 2010
It has been like absolutely forever since I updated my blog..not that any1 reads this....but felt like updating this ,so here it is!!....
The first update on this blog was while I was in 2nd year.....n now I am here..just written my final year theory exams.....clinicals left...jus hoping wid all prayers to Almighty...that it goes fine....Insha'allah!
How much life has changed these past 4 years?! Away from home...in a new city...the number of people I have met....the experiences I am enriched with....the things I have learnt...Surely it has helped me mature n grow up!I would never have had this insight into 'life' had I stayed at home after my 12 th! But miss home everyday.....miss u umma, uppa .....everyday , every minute..... Rabirhamhuma Kama Rabbayani Sa'eera... My prayers always for u!!May Allah Almighty ease all your load,wipe all your worries n give u the BEST in this world n hereafter Akhira!! Ameen...
Talking about life here...I must surely mention the 'pangs of loneliness' that has crushed me at times!But Alhamdulilah.....I feel ,I have always been under Allah's love n protection! Maybe Umma 's prayer for me!Maybe that's what has helped me to overcome all the difficulties that I have been afflicted with.....A mom's prayer & a dad's strength!
I realize....never underestimate a MOM's prayer for her child! It's just very powerful....
I wonder what the rest of the year is gonna bring me....but whatever it is ,Thawakkalthul Ala Allah.....
Till my next episode! :D wonder when it will b ...
Fly high! :)
The first update on this blog was while I was in 2nd year.....n now I am here..just written my final year theory exams.....clinicals left...jus hoping wid all prayers to Almighty...that it goes fine....Insha'allah!
How much life has changed these past 4 years?! Away from home...in a new city...the number of people I have met....the experiences I am enriched with....the things I have learnt...Surely it has helped me mature n grow up!I would never have had this insight into 'life' had I stayed at home after my 12 th! But miss home everyday.....miss u umma, uppa .....everyday , every minute..... Rabirhamhuma Kama Rabbayani Sa'eera... My prayers always for u!!May Allah Almighty ease all your load,wipe all your worries n give u the BEST in this world n hereafter Akhira!! Ameen...
Talking about life here...I must surely mention the 'pangs of loneliness' that has crushed me at times!But Alhamdulilah.....I feel ,I have always been under Allah's love n protection! Maybe Umma 's prayer for me!Maybe that's what has helped me to overcome all the difficulties that I have been afflicted with.....A mom's prayer & a dad's strength!
I realize....never underestimate a MOM's prayer for her child! It's just very powerful....
I wonder what the rest of the year is gonna bring me....but whatever it is ,Thawakkalthul Ala Allah.....
Till my next episode! :D wonder when it will b ...
Fly high! :)
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